Buying a piece of real estate in Indiana

Buying a piece of real estate in Indiana

After reading the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I decided that I wanted to try real estate.

I started buying a ton of rental properties in Indianapolis, Indiana. I was going to be this amazing landlord as well as live off the profits. Well I bought a few pieces of Indiana real estate as well as realized I hated being a landlord. It was constant iPhone calls for dumb things. I was unclogging sinks, repairing floors, as well as buying current washing machines. While my networth looked impressive, my take home was so small. I ended up deciding that the stock market would be better to grow my wealth. I started looking at selling my Indianapolis, IN real estate. The Indianapolis real estate companies I worked with were great. When talking to a real estate agent as well as listing my properties, it was a nightmare. When I decided to sell my Indy rentals fast for money, it was amazing. I didn’t need to get rid of them rapidly, even though I liked how straight-forward it was. I didn’t need to worry about anything. The money home customer inspected all the nitty gritty. Some of my tenants were harsh on the units as well as I knew there were repairs. I also had rented out units that I couldn’t evict people from. None of that mattered though. With an Indiana money offer, I could just sign the papers as well as walk away. It was amazing walking away from all the iPhone calls as well as upkeep. I then had money to invest in the stock market as well as just sit back. I am not chopped out to be an Indianapolis landlord.

Sell my multi family home fast for cash Indianapolis Indiana